Open AI Lab




Essentials & Experimente

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26.09. ab 17h KI.Stammtisch // 12.10 ab 17:30h Vernissage 2.0

Programm Open AI Lab


Die Ausstellung - dt: Künstliche Neuronale Netze bei der Arbeit - hinterfragt experimentell generative KNN. Jedes Artwork arbeitet mit einem KI-Tool.

ist der dritte Teil der Projektreihe . Die hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, essenzielle Komponenten künstlicher Intelligenz mit künstlerischen und partizipativen Mitteln in einzelnen Schwerpunktveranstaltungen greifbar zu machen.
2022 startete der erste Teil - GANgud - mit dem KI-Bestandteil Datenerstellung. 2023 hinterfragte techTURK als zweiter Teil Datensets. Dieses Jahr ist nun dem spannenden Herzstück von KI, den Algorithmen, gewidmet.
Sämtliche Arbeiten aller Teile entstehen Open Source und unter Creative Commons.

ist zugleich der Opener für das , das als Makerspace mit Workshops und anderen Aktionen drei Wochen lang dazu einlädt, das Hypethema KI praktisch kennenzulernen und zu vertiefen.

Ein kleiner Einblick:

Collaged photo showing the door
Collaged photo showing the door
Collaged SD-Image showing a net, a mask + a face
Collaged photo showing the door
Collaged photo showing boxes + buckets
Image generated by Stable Diffusion showing a mask
Collaged Photo showing details of the stairway to the exhibition
Collaged Photo showing the place for the info print informing around AI
Image Sequence generated by Stable Diffusion showing iterations of robots etc
A fish swarm in red + blue, Photostyle
Photo of crab, which is part of the Data Set for the ML-Artwork
Photo Collage, showing a simple rendered table + monitor in the niche for the workstations at the attic
Photo Collage, showing a simple rendered table + monitor in the niche for the workstations at the attic
Photo of crab, which is part of the Data Set for the ML-Artwork
spheric multi colored light in front of black background


Vernissage & Eröffnung: 14.September 2024, 17:30h während des Lause-Festes.

Das komplette Open-AI-Lab-Aktionsprogramm ist hier und auf Instagram & Mastodon. Stay tuned!


Lausitzer Str. 10 - 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg - Dachboden
Der Ort ist zur Zeit leider noch nicht rolligerecht. Für alle anderen Bedarfe & Wünsche rund um den Zugang finden wir eine Lösung. Auch für andere Fragen sehr gern mailen an: bitte manuell abtippen

Anfahrt zu zum Open AI Lab und ANN@w0rk

Ein Dachboden, der schon Pferde und eine Druckerei beherbergt hat, wandelt sich bis Herbst sukzessive in einen ganz besonderen Eventort. Stay tuned & begleite uns beim Umbau >>>


möchte die Technologie im Sinne des Universal Designs niederschwellig zugänglich machen.

Verantwortlich für das Event ist Jo Tiffe.

Portrait Jo Tiffe

form:f - critical design & art

Die Umsetzung ermöglichen

Collaged photo showing rendered details of an art work: a doorway between 2 monitors and a tablet placed on a pillar


Alle Beteiligten an Artworks & Workshops & Aktionen stecken ihre Zeit komplett ehrenamtlich in das Projekt. Die notwendige Technik ist leider teuer. Helft uns, alles zum Fliegen zu bringen und unterstützt uns.

Der extreme Kapital-, Daten- und Energiehunger der Techkonzerne schreit quasi nach Widerstand.

Wege dorthin entwickeln wir im Open AI Lab durch Open Knowledge, kritische Diskussionen und gemeinsame Ideen. Parallel zeigt , dass Open Source & Creative Commons auch bei KI möglich sind.

Denn: nur gemeinsam lassen sich lebenswerte vernetzte Zukunftsideen fern ab von Turbokapitalismus entwickeln.

Wir suchen Helfende für Workshops, Doku & Raumbetreuung, außerdem Budget + Leihequipment - ein paar Details hier

Photo showing details of the main exhibition space


Essentials & Experiments

Outer shape of the exponates filled with lightblue

support us

Sept. 26, 5 pm AI.Roundtable // Oct. 11, 5:30 pm vernissage 2.0

programme Open AI Lab


The exhibition - meaning: Artificial Neural Networks at work - challenges experimentally generative ANN. Each work focuses on a specific AI-Tool.

is the third issue of the project series Its target is to make essential components of artificial intelligence tangible with artistic and participative instruments.
2022 the process started with the first installation -GANgud - which was all around data. 2023 the exhibition techTURK as second part questioned data sets. 2024 is now dedicated to algorithms the exiting heart of AI.
All works are open source and under Creative Commons.

is the opener for . The three weeks long lab invites to workshops and other activities. Each designed to get your hands on AI.

A sneak peek into the interventions

Collaged photo showing the door
Collaged photo showing the door
Collaged SD-Image showing a net, a mask + a face
Collaged photo showing the door
Collaged photo showing boxes + buckets
spheric multi colored light in front of black background
Image generated by Stable Diffusion showing a mask
Collaged Photo showing details of the stairway to the exhibition
Collaged Photo showing the place for the info print informing around AI
Image Sequence generated by Stable Diffusion showing iterations of robots etc
A fish swarm in red + blue, Photostyle
Photo of crab, which is part of the Data Set for the ML-Artwork
Photo Collage, showing a simple rendered table + monitor in the niche for the workstations at the attic
Photo of a skyline with crane


Vernissage & Opening are Sept. 14, 5.30 pm during the Lause party.

The lab schedule is here and on Instagram & Mastodon. Stay tuned!


Lausitzer Str. 10 - 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg - attic
Unfortunately, the location is not yet wheelchair accessible. For other needs & wishes regarding access to the exhibition & others we will find a solution. Feel warmly welcomed to mail to: please typewrite manually

Directions to ANN@w0rk

An attic that has already housed horses and a print shop will gradually be transformed into a very special exhibition space by autumn. Stay tuned & accompany us during the reconstruction >>>


wants to make the technology accessible to as many people as possible in the spirit of universal design.

Responsable is Jo Tiffe.

Portrait Jo Tiffe

form:f - critical design & art

The realisation is made possible by the commitment of

Collaged photo showing rendered details of an art work: a doorway between 2 monitors and a tablet placed on a pillar


The project is currently carried out entirely on voluntary shoulders. All invest their time and energy to make the artworks & workshops & actions happen. The equipment is unfortunately expensive.
Help us to let all fly & support us.

The tech companies' extreme hunger for capital, data and energy nearly cries for resistance.

Open AI Lab opens a space "How to" throughout open knowledge, critical discussions and fresh ideas. Meanwhile shows that open source & creative commons are possible.

Because only together great ideas for a connected future worth living are born...far beyond turbo-capitalism.

We look for helfers for workshops, doku & space care, elsewise budget + rental equipment - some details here

Photo showing details of the main exhibition space